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Thursday 3 November 2011

Belgium in a waffle (or is it nutshell...)

Day 1: We arrived very very late at night, and after checking in, we grabbed a late night felafel (although technically, by this time it was day 2!)

Day 2:Today we slept in until 9:30 before heading out to start our day in the best possible way - waffles! We ended up getting them from the 'Australia' chain, how ironic. The guy liked us so much we scored free cream! We ate them as we sat in the Grand Place. Perfection. Our next stop was the Belgian comic strip museum where Lisa engrossed herself in the Tin Tin goodness for a while. I was also informed that it is apparently pronounced 'Tahn tahn'... Who knew!
After that, we went across town to Pl. du Jeu de Balle to the flea market. What a banonza! I got a jumper and a skirt while Lisa finally found the watch she had been scouring Europe for. Next stop was Place du Grand Sablon, Brussels chocolate central, to sample chocolates, macaroons and speckuloos. Yum. We decided it was probably time for something nutritious, so we went and got lunch in a super cute cafe. From there, we went to the Cantillon Brewery to see how Gueze beer is made, before doing some tastings. This stuff is crazy. It sends your tastebuds into a frenzy. We had the standard beer as well as raspberry and cherry infusions.We went to the hostel to sort out the next leg of our trip before going out to dinner. I had some of the local specialty - Mussels. So good. We went chocolate shop hopping after that, decidedly the best and cheapest way to enjoy Belgian chocolates. We scored 8 each, at least! We went home happy and full.

Day 3: Today we went to Bruges. After we dumped our stuff at the hostel, we headed in to see the sights. We went to the Belfry at Markt square, and then to the Basilica at the Burg square, where the silver vial holding Jesus' blood is! (apparently). We saw the oldest bar in Bruges, est. 1515 and then on to the bar with 300 beers. There we had a tipple and met some very cool Americans over a cherry beer. From there we went on a free walking tour with the coolest NYC'er Kai. He was hilarious. We saw the oldest bridge in Bruges, scenes from the film 'In Bruges' and Bruges smallest alley. That night for dinner we went to a traditional Flemish restaurant for some Flemish stew. So so so good.

Day 4: Today we headed out early on our Quasimodo tour of Flanders Fields and Ipres. We saw a whole pile of amazing things: Tyne Cot Cemetery, NZ Memorial, ANZAC memorial, Polygon Wood (Where my Great Great Uncle Norman D'Angri died on 26/9/1917), Hooge Crater Museum, The Iron Harvest, Hill 60, Field Dressing Station where John McCrae worked, a restored trench, Ipres and the Menin Gate - where I found Norman D'Angri's name! I was so excited!!! We learnt so much. It was so great. On the tour we met these two great Canadians who were in Belgium on a NATO exercise. That night they shouted us drinks and dinner. So great.

Day 5: Our last day in Belgium, we left Bruges that morning, enjoying the extra hour sleep. We went to Ghent for a stop over. We walked through town, enjoying the sights. We stopped in at Mass in St. Baarts. We ended up at a little market out the back ok St.Jakobs which was fun. From there we went back into town and got some well deserved waffles. After that we went back to the train station to catch the train to the airport to end a wonderful week in a wonderful country.

We have had such a great week, eating and drinking our whiles away. Thanks Lisa!
Nutritious AND delicious

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