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Monday 28 February 2011

And so the adventure continues...

February. I have pretty much settled in now. Found my routine(ish), met most of the faces at school and began to cover my bedroom walls with photos, posters, cutouts and the like. Now I will cast my mind over the past month and pick out some highlights for you to envy over : P
I have Monday afternoons off, so I made use of my first one and walked to Highgate Cemetery <http:></http:> home to George Eliot, Christina Rossetti and Karl Marx... But it was closed when I got there. So I wandered through Waterlow park and back through the Heath, seeing the most beautiful sunset from Parliament Hill. I then walked home via Keats House <http:></http:>
During another busy week of SHHS choirs, orchestra's, bands, and basketball teams I went to the Royal Academy of Music <http:></http:> And saw the most amazing, FREE, concert of 2nd and 4th year jazz students with Julian Segal and Oran Marshall. Pretty much changed my life.
On Saturday I went to a Travel Expo at Earls Court with one of the substitute teachers from school to get some inspiration for my holiday travel. Once I was expo-ed out, I walked through Kensington, passing lots of Watangi Day festivities, making my way to the Victoria and Albert museum. There I met Aude, a French Au Pare. We had a look around the exhibitions together which was nice and swapped deets at the end.
Beautiful lanternsSunday was Chinese New Year! The festivities started at 12, so en route to China Town I stopped at the Wellcome Collection and saw an eye opening exhibition on the history of drugs in Western Society. The day was full of presentations, parades, performances, fire crackers, lanterns and street food. And it was SO busy, but a lot of fun.
The school week started again with a Chamber Music concert in one of the local churches. I also found time during the week to have a look around the next suburb across, Kilburn and Willisden Green which was cool. The whole of this city is just dotted with amazing parks, architecture and things. Its wonderful. Tuesday night I decided to go along to a Merbecke Choir <http:></http:> rehearsal (Because no one had replied to my e-mails) and ended up singing along and having an amazing time which resulted in a new recruitment : D Yipee. It also ended in the pub (as is the natural progression in this part of the world) and I met this AMAZING bunch of people : ) Oh and I also picked up my bike this week. Yay!Portobello Road
Saturday I went to PORTOBELLO MARKET, taking my bike on her maiden voyage. My new found love. <http:></http:> I spent all day wandering through the stalls. There is absolutely everything. Vintage clothes, antiques, jewellery, watches, cameras, collectables, shoes, furniture, bicycles, food, produce... just all things lovely, glorious, inspirational and wonderful. Just wow. I also met the most charming man, Leonardo, who owned a little stall and has been a seller for over 50 years. We are basically BFFL's now : )
Sunday I left for Scotland, which I have written about already... So I'm going to skip ahead.
Saturday (after I got back) was Brett Dean Day at Wigmore Hall, and the lovely Kiki lined up a free ticket for me, so on Saturday night I headed into town and we met up. Yay! We went out to some coffee and cake for a good catch up before watching the most amazing chamber music concert I have ever seen. Just magical <http:> Afterwards we went out for some Italian. Yum.</http:>
Sunday I headed east to Islington and went to Candid Arts Gallery to look at an exhibition. After that I rode to the Museum of London which is a fantastic museum. It was absolutely packed with Half-term kids which was a bit of a bummer, but it was still good. It takes you all the way from prehistoric London to modern day values and attitudes of Londoners. An amazing insight!
Then it was time for school to recommence. Busy busy busy. I went to Choir again on Tuesday, which picked up my spirits (even though I got lost on my way there). Wednesday I had the oportunity to go to an open rehearsal of the Berlin Philharmonic conducted by Simon Rattle! Talk about WOW. Best quote from one of the students - "This is what heaven would sound like". Cuuuute.
The rest of the week was quiet. Just spending my spare time in the library or on the internet planning some more holidays. It is so exciting. I think I am still recovering from my Scottish trip. Plus I have the most persistent cold in the world. 7 weeks and still going strong!
Now for another jam packed weekend before month 3 begins! Who knows where I will end up today!

I feel like I have been getting a pretty good grasp of this city now. I don't even have to agonise over the money at the checkout anymore, definitely a sign that I am finding my feet.

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