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Thursday 27 October 2011

I'll Port-u-gal! Think about it.

Day 1: After getting back late from year 7 camp in Skern Lodge, I was up bright and early to go to Lisbon, Portugal. I arrived safely, and all was going smoothly, until I got to the Altis Hotel, to be told that there was no knowledge of my booking or my tour. Confused I called Lisa, who said she was in the lobby. But I was in the lobby. It was then that I realised that the Tourist Information Office had directed me to the Altis Hotel, instead of Altis Park, which is on the other side of town. Great. I eventually found Lisa, dumped my stuff and headed off into town. We wandered the streets of the city and grabbed a bite to eat. During the afternoon we saw the Castle, walked along the harbour and saw the Se Cathedral. That evening we went back to the hotel to meet up with our tour group… we waited and waited and waited. After a lot of hassle, I finally got in contact with the company to be told that they were running late on their way from Seville. Phwef! While we were waiting we met the lovely Skye who kept our company.
That night, we went out to dinner at a little seafood buffet, but after that I went to bed and let Lisa party the night away. I had been up since 5am!

Day 2: Today began with our 4 star breakfast buffet. So good. After we were all filled up, we piled onto the bus for a tour of the city. Sights included: Spanish Square; Edward VII Park; Avenue da Liberdade; Rossei Square; Eiffel Elevator; Commerce Square; Barri Alto; St. Jerome Monestary; 25 April Bridge and the plane which made the first flight over the South Atlantic, amongst other things. That afternoon, Lisa and I found some super local flea markets, the old ladies kept on talking to us in Portuguese even when we said we didnt understand. The goods were being sold in the old currency - Escudos! After that we met 2 Australian girls who we walked to Edward Park with and had a good chat. 
 That night, we went out to dinner and had the national Portuguese dish – Cod. So so so yummy! After that, we danced the night away, fuelled by free shots. Our ride home was in one of the craziest taxi rides ever. I actually feared for my life at times.

Day 3: Today we had an early start and a breakfast buffet again, readying us for the trip to Coimbra. In Coimbra we saw one of the worlds oldest universities and its breataking chapel where mass was going on. I think the beautiful choir just made the tiled inside seem even more stunning. We also sat the Old and New Cathedral before lunch. After that we had a wander around and jumped back on the bus. When we arrived in Porto, our first stop was a Port tour at Offley cellars. We had white port and tawny port, followed by a river cruise in the rain. That night, defeated by the weather, I grabbed a quick dinner and watched TV with Skye in our room.

Day 4: Today we said goodbye to the group and Laurena our lovely guide. After a lazy morning enjoying the luxury hotel, we went to our hostel, the Eden House. From there we went on a wander through town passing a whole lot of history: São Bento Train Station, Igreja da Misericórdia, Avenida dos Aliados amoungst others. We ended up at the river, so we walked along towards the Crystal Palance, which ended up being a confrence center of some sort. Although, in the surrounding gardens there were a lot of peacocks, so it was worth the walk. From there we went back along the river and crossed over Luis I bridge (i.e mini Sydney Harbour) to Vila Nova de Gaia, home of Porto's cellars. Taylors was our choice an we whiled away the afternoon tasting tawny and white ports. For dinner we found a cute little family restarunt where we both ate a 3 course meal for 19.50 all together. I had half a piri piri chicken, for 3.50! After that, we walked home : )

Day 5:Over breakfast we met a lovely pair of Belgians, Anaise and Elias who excited us about the next leg of our trip. Our first stop was the Wine and Port museum where we learnt a lot of history behind the city and region. For lunch, we found the cutest local cafe, the tables and chairs had been set up on the road out the front. We both ate lunch (after many animated charades to the waitress) for 3.20. Bargain! That afternoon we spent at the wine cellars again. Croft this time. Then we went back to the hostel to chill before grabbing some dinner.

Day 6:Our last day in Portugal. We were praying for sunshine, but instead it gave us rain. Lots and lots of rain. So we made a b-line to the shopping centers. Woo. But they were all empty and closed because of the GFC. Now Woo. We still managed to burn a few hours before jumping on the metro and headin out to the airport to fly to Brussels, Belgium!
Thanks Portugal.

There are a few important things to be noted:
- Portuguese are nicer then the Spanish
- Sem carne (without meat) is often met with bewildered looks
- Portugal is filled with sexy men who run
- You don't get harassed by sleazy men in Portugal

Sunday 2 October 2011

It might as well be Spring!

Oh September, where did you go? I am stuck in a little bit of a contradiction at the moment. My Summer holidays feel like an age ago, but at the same time, September has slipped right through my fingers. This month involved a fir bit of catching up on all the things I neglected during the Summer, namely my university and conservatorium applications, so I have been keeping a low profile in terms of my gallavanting around the city. Nonetheless, here are a few adventures to keep you going.
My first week back I was blessed by the sounds of Kate Rowe and the Spooky Men's Chorale. I left early because I felt like rubbish : ( But the half I did see was magic. On Friday I went to see a jazz show at a Hampstead bar. I met a few cool cats there too. That weekend I treated myself to Jersey Boys down at the West End, which was awesome. Frankie Valli, with an i.
The next week I went to my first Merbecke Rehearsal of the season which was blissful. That Saturday Robbie and I had a good catch up at the Holly Bush up in Hampstead and Sunday involved a lot of Skyping.
Monday brought me a free iPhone! I love Alex from the Apple Store. I got through a week of work and rehearsals. On Friday Charlotte, Jessamy and I went out for some birthday drinks followed by Thai. Talk about a fun night out.
I felt pretty sick that weekend so I spent a lot of time just bumming around and reading. Sunday I had Compline at Southwark. Then the last week of the month I worked away. Generally I spent most of my time recuperating from my summer holidays and planning my nexst trip to Portugal! 

Brigitte at the Rif Raf at the Gallery Bar