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Monday 30 May 2011

No other month ends on the same day of the week as May

Ok. First day of the month was a beautiful spring Sunday. I began by riding east, to Colombia Road Markets<http:></http:>. I was caught up in the hustle and bustle of the flower stalls, my senses assaulted by the scents and sights. I involved myself with the Unlikeness project <>, deciding I liked the image and taking it with me. After lunch in a cute Italian cafe, I went on to Brick Lane Markets<http:></http:>, the home of Indie, in London's indie center, Shoreditch. It was seeew indie. Monday was a bank holiday (thank you Will and Kate) which I spent relaxing after the Royal Wedding excitement. In the evening, I treated myself to a showing of Hamlet at the Globe, standing in the yard. It truly was world class. </>
The next weekend was in Finland, which I have already indulged you with.
I was lucky enough on the 11th to accompany year 8 on an excursion to Kew Gardens. It is an awesome place. I saw trees which were centuries old, a vine planted in 1716, a Wollemi pine, some breathtaking avenues of acacias... All in a days work really.
That weekend started with a lovely, long yoga class, working out the week. Saturday night was spent babysitting. Making some extra dosh. Sunday began with a breezy bike ride across Hyde Park to the Royal College of Music where they were playing all of Bach's Violin Sonatas and Cello Suites, and Pagannini's Caprices all day, for free! It absolutely blew my mind. 
A highlight of the next week was the Visiting Music Teacher's(VMTs) of SHHS concert. I was helping organise and run the concert which took place at the beautiful St. John's, Downshire Hill, featuring the private music tutors who played some amazing music, from Schubert Piano Trios (MY FAVOURITE) to Rod's own Jazz guitar works. All up, we raised over £1200 for Cancer Research! Not a bad effort. On the Friday night, once dark had set in, Tessa and I made our way up to the Hampstead Observatory. They were open especially on this weekend to see Saturn. It was amazing! The rings were so clear. I almost thought they had got a sticky glow in the dark Saturn and just stuck it on the end of the tube or something! It definitely made me feel insignificant.
Saturday morning, Mum arrived in London! I made the journey to Heathrow to meet her. When we got back to my neck of the woods, I gave her a little tour around Swiss Cottage and Hampstead. After that, some Chinese chow and then bed. On Sunday I introduced mum to the wonders of Camden Market. We spent the morning perusing the stalls and then enjoyed a DELISH market lunch (Indian and Mexican) before continuing on to Oxford St for some more shopping. That evening was Compline, so mum was treated to a little Merbecke glory : )
On the Wednesday, mum and I went on a tour to Windsor Castle, Bath and Stonehenge. Windsor Castle was amazing. The history contained within those walls is incredible. We saw the tombs of King Henry VIII, and the Queen Mother amongst others. We also saw the state apartments, which definitely live up to their reputation. Next stop was Stonehenge. I am not sure if it was bigger or smaller than I imagined. Mum and I came to the conclusion that it was bigger than we thought it was going to be (as in the size of the rocks) but they were closer together than we expected (so it was smaller in area). Our last destination was Bath. We first saw the Roman baths and museum before heading off to explore a little bit, ending up and wagamama for some noodley goodness. Then it was the bus home to London!
Half term break started on that Friday, which was our cue to head off to Malta! But that tale is for another time.
Basically I have been here for 5 months now. Holy Guacamole! But it is simply fantastic. I miss you all dearly, so please drop me a line when you get the chance!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Fun Finnish Facts

FFF #1: Finland is called Suomi in Finnish

I finally arrived (after a debacle I would rather not explain) in Helsinki at 5:30pm on Saturday, stepped out of customs, welcomed by Mika's smiling face. Yay. First we went on a driving tour of the capital - only 500 000 people. We passed the bustling square, Hakaniementon; the architecturally superior train station; the Finlandia building; the opera house; and Parliament house as we navigated the one way streets of the city. After that we began on our way to Mika's home town of Ahtari, a 4 hour drive north of Helsinki.

FFF #7: Finnish is said to be the second most difficult language in the world. E.g Each word has 14 unique suffixes which alter its meaning.

We watched the sunset over the sunset over the Ouluvesi Lake before heading to Mika's, via the main street of Ahtari, which was absolutely deserted because everyone was watching the Sweden vs Finland ice hockey match. We were welcomed home by a yummy Finnish dinner with the family, I tried karjalanpiirakka (a kind of rice porridge in pastry smothered with egg and butter) which definitely gets the thumbs up. I was also introduced to the bird and cat and Remu and Laku the dogs.

FFF #10: You must have your headlights on all the time, daytime, night time, summer, winter...

After dinner Raija and I hit the sauna, at about 80*C , then jumped in to Ahtari Lake, at about 2*C, then back into the sauna, and then the lake. It was awesome. It makes you feel so so so good and gives you the BEST nights sleep.

FFF #3: When going in the lake after the sauna you must go in 20m, otherwise you have to stay in the water longer to ensure that your body cools down enough.

Sunday began nice and slowly with a walk with the dogs in the forest surrounding Mika's house and around the lake. Then I had a coffee before getting impatient and waking up Mika. First stop was the family restaurant - Lounasportaat. After a feed, we went to Ahtari zoo to see the snow leopards, bears, wolves, moose and a whole other array of Finnish animals.

FFF #9: There is compulsary 1 year military service in Finland which everyone hates. Regardless, if Russia invaded, they would take over in two days.

Then we went to the Mesikammen, the underground hotel before we went to hang out with Mika's floor-ball playing friends at his school. The afternoon was just just spent chilling with the Finnish boys who came back to Mika's for a sauna session. That night we had another family dinner before watching some Finnish TV and heading to bed. 

FFF #2: You cannot buy packaged cake mixes in Finland.

On Monday we left early to go to Hollola, Lahti to get our business-man on. After selling a big haul of jumpers, jackets and pants, we set off to Tampere, touring the gas stations of Finland. We arrived in Tampere and went to the observation tower to see some beautiful views. Then Mika dropped me off at the airport for my flight home via Stockholm. 

FFF #4: You pull the toilet to flush.

All in all it was a pretty fun weekend : ) Thanks Mika.